Fabrizio Sesana

Toxicologist at ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda.

In the last 20 years, involved in pharma-toxicovigilance, with specific attention to sentinel events emerging from data of Milan Poison Control Centre (PCC), with numerous reports to the competent authorities. Developed deep experience in the epidemiological analysis of data of PCC Involved in working group to design the hospital emergency plan and the provision of personal protection and antidote for an NBC attack. Participated to simulation to manage cross-border chemical incidents in the ASHT III and ECHEMNET projects. Participated in national exercises on chemical accidents. Since 2010, worked to develop a solution to the single-dose detergents for washing machines issue, collaborating with A.I.S.E. and the European Community for the minimization of number and severity
of cases. Defined a prevention and emergency plan for Polonium-210 terrorist attack Participation in the solution of emergency of methanol in Sicily.
Actually member of ECHA (European Chemical Agency) working group on new european database on hazardous mixture.

Member of:
EAPCCT – European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists
AACT – The American Academy of Clinical Toxicology